Sunday, November 1, 2009

Is Everlasting Love Possible?

November 1, 2009
15 Days Until I meet My Master

While it may seem that this is perhaps an odd question to be answering in a blog that talks about a BDSM relationship it really is not. Long term relationships of any kind need a foundation of love if the purpose is a mutual satisfying life. I honestly do not think a slave/sub can deepen their submission without loving their dominant. That kind of trust and devotion are linked in love. At least for me.

I will not even begin to discuss here all the other reasons people stay together and there are many many *besides* love.

I think love *can* last a life time and I also think it’s extremely rare. I believe when most people come together it’s not really love...that its lust or romantic fantasy. That we tend to see what we want to see in that other person. That’s why time is so important. All comes to light with time and I mean a couple of years at least. Everyone is on their best behavior at first. If after that you are shocked about what happens it means you never took the rose colored glasses off.

And also, life pulls us all in many different directions and things happen we never planned on. Some relationships cannot survive it. Love is not a static thing it must change and evolve as the relationship does through time or it may stop.

When you bond with someone in a loving relationship do *not* do it because you see potential or you hope they will change. That never works. Opposites *may* attract but it is not what makes a long lasting loving relationship.

When I talk of love I do not necessarily mean the couple that has been together 50 years, although if love has endured it is a treasure indeed. But, I have known couples that spent their whole lives together when perhaps they should not have. And just because a relationship does not last “forever” does not mean it was not love. It means that love gave all it could give you within the time you were together.

Love lasts as long as it lasts and I will enjoy every moment fully and in complete abandon to him that I call my Master until such a time as my service to him no longer makes his heart quicken and his eyes smile.

To death do us part? That does not matter so much to me as the day to day journey I travel to serve him in complete devotion. We have been together two years and counting. And there has not been one day, not one that I wished to kneel before another. Even among the moments of punishment and my struggle with my deepening submission. His patience and our love for one another have never wavered. When and if that ever changes, then love will have run its course. Until that time I will love him and submit to him and his will with absolute loyalty as if time had no meaning.

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